Eric Jackier
The Coaches CoachHelping You Find & Forge Your Own Path
“Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, and John Wooden each have one thing in common … me!”
I am a professionally trained and certified speaker, trainer, and coach who teaches leadership and mentoring at the highest level by studying the great leaders of history, business, and sports — past and present. As the Chair of the Disability Mentoring Day Program of NYC for ten years, I brought high quality leadership and mentoring to a population of people who can benefit from someone who believes in their capabilities. As a person who has cerebral palsy and has had to find my own way to step outside of what people believe is possible for those who are disabled, I know firsthand that all things are possible. I am proof that anyone can rise and become a leader in their own right with a solid system of support through mentoring and leadership training.

Certifications and Endorsements

Professional Certified Coach (International Coach Federation)
Certified Executive Coach (Center for Executive Coaching)
Certified Life Coach (Coach Training Alliance)
Certified Success Principles Coach- Jack Canfield
Certified Coach John R. Wooden Pyramid of Success
Mentor-Path Certified Coach
Affiliated Partner- Brian Tracy International
Affiliate Partner- Mentor-Path Inc.
Coaching Partner Train the Trainer (Jack Canfield)
Member of the International Coach Federation
Member of the Word Business Executive Coaching Society (Europe)

Coaches & Trainers
What does it take to get high profile clients?

Ultimate Leadership Workbook
This workbook full of practical strategies and processes.

Business Owners
The more you grow, the more your business will grow.