Develop and Empower Your Compass to Success
Personalized 1:1 Trainings and WorkshopsOfferings
Our various coaching packages are designed to give you the help you need in a timeframe of your choosing. We offer our clients single day as well as three and twelve week session coaching options. Availability is limited.
It’s not Time Management… It’s Time Recovery
As a small business owner, we face many challenges. These include not enough hours in the day, Spending all day putting out fires, No time to focus on growing the business, And so much more… The problem always seems to be lack of time.
FACT: Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. You. Me. Jeff Bezos. The President. It’s not about lack of time, it’s about how the time is used.
$10 Offer
For that ten dollars, you can download my proprietary time recovery tool and book a 20 minute call with me.
On the call we will: Identify the pain points in your business that are causing you to lose time and focus and discuss potential solutions to alleviate the pain points