Develop and Empower Your Compass to Success

Personalized 1:1 Trainings and Workshops
Work with Eric directly to eliminate the pain points and difficulties in running your business.

Our various coaching packages are designed to give you the help you need in a timeframe of your choosing. We offer our clients single day as well as  three and twelve week session coaching options. Availability is limited.

Individualized Sessions

Secure Eric’s undivided attention and targeted approach to empower your rapid growth for your growth.

Sessions run for 1 hour each and are offered over scheduled zoom sessions.

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Summer Workshop Series
Structured series to solidify your principles for leadership and business success.

Organize your learning with this curriculum series designed to revolutionize and optimize your business — from the bottom up.

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21 Day Time Recovery Event

Scientific studies suggest that it takes 21 days to form and create new habits.

Our renowned Crystal Clear Three Step Time Recovery System will  teach you how to manage your time more effectively, eliminate distractions, and free an extra 10+ hours per week for you to focus on building and growing your business.

This series offers 6 sessions conducted over these 21 days. Only 40 seats available.

These sessions support behavior change planning and support through your transformation.

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Dive in head first for an exclusive full day with Eric Jackier. Learn to implement the entire time recovery three step system.

These sessions offer a 6 hour focus day, along with a 3 hour followup. Only 30 seats total available.

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Downloads and $10 Offer

Eric Jackier’s teachings can futher accelerate your progress at home.

Enhance your learning with dowloadable printables or shippable books.

Limited time offer: Eric’s $10 offer will secure a printable template handcrafted to target your distractions, and to empower you to take your time back.

** Offer comes with a free 30 minute session.

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Whether it’s leadership, time management and recovery, or any other issue that small business owners face, Eric is here to help.

It’s not Time Management… It’s Time Recovery 

As a small business owner, we face many challenges.

  • Not enough hours in the day
  • Spending all day putting out fires
  • No time to focus on growing the business
  • And so much more…

The problem always seems to be lack of time.

FACT: Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. You. Me. Jeff Bezos. The President. It’s not about lack of time, it’s about how the time is used.

Did you know that in a standard 8 hour workday, only 3 hours of productive work gets done? I can show you how to recover 10+ hours per week right now. For only $10.

$10 Offer

For that ten dollars, you can download my proprietary time recovery tool and book a 20 minute call with me. On the call we will:

  • Identify the pain points in your business that are causing you to lose time and focus
  • Discuss potential solutions to alleviate the pain points
I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have had people like Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield become my friends and mentors. These opportunities have changed my life for the better in so many ways. The things I have learned from them have allowed me to build a successful coaching career and business.
At a certain point, Jack pointed out something very important. “Eric, remember that you don’t want to be me. Always be your true authentic self”. That statement is very true. I am not Jack or Brian or anyone else but myself. An ordinary guy who failed miserably at my first business because I made every single mistake that can be made. Thus, my goal as a coach is to help entrepreneurs and business owners avoid the mistakes I made and work together with them to achieve personal and professional success faster and more proficiently than they would by continuing to do it alone.
Eric is an exceptional leader and coach, known for his detail-oriented approach and first-class experience. He’s committed to helping individuals enhance their business and personal productivity.
Brian Tracy

Eric’s journey from failure to success, shared with rare transparency, provides invaluable insights into your own path of business and leadership development.
Jack Canfield