Introducing Eric Jackier’s:

21 Day Time Recovery System

It’s not time management…. 

It’s time recovery

Let me ask a few questions:

  1. As a fellow entrepreneur, do you often feel like you are running on a hamster wheel that has you exerting energy while getting nowhere?
  2. Do you find yourself spending hours and hours at the office scrambling to keep the lights on? Putting out fires? Answering emails and responding to texts and social media posts?
  3. By the time the 12 hour day is done, Have you actually been able to complete the work that you, and ONLY you should be doing? Things like growing the business, attracting clients, etc?

If your answer to question 3 is “No, I always seem to get behind and never can get caught up. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done”. 

Well, I’m going to dispel the myth of that last answer with this rebuttal.

A Challenge and a Promise

Everyone has the same 24/7/365. You do, I do, Jeff Bezos does, the President of the United States does too. 

Most people think of time the wrong way. It is something we don’t have enough of. It’s something we run out of, it slips away and we can’t get it back…….

That kind of thinking causes anxiety, stress and can eventually cause burnout and long term failure.  

Here is the right way to think about time. Since we all have the same amount of it. Use it to your advantage, you control it instead of having it control you. It is a tool. Your tool! If you use it the right way you can do several important things. 

  • Get more done each day than you ever thought possible 
  • Eliminate all the tasks and distractions that cause you to lose time. If you do that, you will RECOVER lost time.
  • Achieve the success you want in your business and in your life. A lot faster than you think.
Your Success Is My Success
Limited Time: $10 Offer

It may sound impossible, it may sound daunting. It’s not impossible and I won’t lie. It’s takes a lot of hard work in the beginning. But you can absolutely do it! And I will help you get started………for ten dollars Your eyes are not deceiving you. I said ten dollars.

    For that ten dollars, you can download my proprietary time recovery tool and book a 20 minute call with me. On the call we will

    • Identify the pain points in your business that are causing you to lose time and focus 
    • Discuss potential solutions to alleviate the pain points

    Eric is an exceptional leader and coach, known for his detail-oriented approach and first-class experience. He’s committed to helping individuals enhance their business and personal productivity.

    Brian Tracy

    Eric’s journey from failure to success, shared with rare transparency, provides invaluable insights into your own path of business and leadership development.

    Jack Canfield