Dear friend,
Do you find yourself struggling to get your work done in an efficient manner while working from home? Are you missing deadlines and feel like you are always behind on completing your most important tasks?
If so, your career could be in trouble.
Because the truth is, even though you may be working from home, the executives and managers at your company are paying attention.
On the flip side, if you are looking to advance in your company, and reap the rewards of a promotion and the financial security that goes with it, increasing your productivity in critical.
Because the ability to complete tasks in an efficient and timely manner is considered one of the top traits executives and managers look for when promoting employees to upper levels of management.
But I get it, this new “work from home economy” is probably new to you and even stressing you out.
Constant distractions from the kids, Amazon packages being delivered, your spouse working from the same space…working from home is not exactly the most effective environment to get things done.
But you can choose to do something about it.
You’re willing to re-arrange some things in your life
You’re open to taking an inventory of how you currently use your time
You’re willing to commit to a new time management system that’s specifically designed for those who work at home
You’re willing to invest in your career
If this sounds like something you can do, then you’ll find yourself having more time to do the things you love, while also being a standout employee who grabs your bosses attention (in a good way).
Throughout this live training course you’re going to learn…
Now I know what you might be thinking…can’t I just buy a fancy planner or download the latest app?
The truth is you can… but that won’t solve a thing.
Because being productive is not just about “scheduling” things.
It’s about having the right systems and strategies in place so your day runs smoothly and you get more done with the same amount of hours.
Now, you can go down the road to figuring this out on your own and try and piece together different strategies from different planners and apps and methods. Chances are you’re going to be more confused than ever, and probably less productive because of it.
You could choose to learn a complete system with the support and guidance from a trusted expert who’s walked the path before you.
Which is why this is a “Live 12 Week Course”.
I’ll be with you every step of the way to help you on your journey to becoming more productive while working at home so you can stand out from your peers and be the chosen one for the next big promotion.
Here’s how this program works.
Each week, for a 12 week period, you will be delivered a new module teaching a very specific topic. You’ll receive all the worksheets for that week once the module is released.
I’ll then hold a live training each week teaching the implementation and execution of the module, where you will also get live access to me for any questions you might have.
At the end of 12 weeks you will have completely new systems and processes in place that will help you get way more done in less time, and with much less stress.