Are You Ready To Get The Support And Guidance You Need To Become An Excellent Leader?
As a leader, it is important that you create and plan from your highest level of excellence at all times. This does not mean that you will experience smooth sailing and be free of any problems, but it does mean that you must remain in your highest integrity and able to steer the ship so that you and your team can achieve the goals you set out to accomplish.
Without operating from your highest level of excellence, you may have a more difficult time achieving your goals. Your number one priority is being the absolute best leader that you can be, so that your team can execute the plans at their highest level so that your organization and the people you serve achieve maximum results.
And… the best way to achieve and exceed your goals as a leader is to get help from someone who is in your corner.
Someone who knows how to lead and coach you to your ultimate greatness, so that you have maximum impact on the people you are meant to reach.
Someone who can do this and create the environment for you to excel within the container of other leaders just like you…
In my own businesses and in my previous career as the Chair of the Disability Mentoring Day Program of NYC, I have been fortunate enough to have mentors and coaches who have helped me succeed and grow in every area needed to be an excellent leader…
And, I have been fortunate over the last year to be exposed to some of the greatest teaching on Leadership and Mentoring in the world. These include the teachings of…
- Brian Tracy
- Jack Canfield
- John Wooden
I hold certifications from all three of these great leadership and mentoring experts who are the number one in their fields. I am also a Professional Coach and member of the International Coach Federation.
I want to share what I’ve learned with YOU!
I’ve created an Inner Circle Mastermind designed for you – the leader who wants to operate at the highest level possible and to achieve and maintain leadership excellence so that your business and team reach operational and financial milestones and success.
Each week I will share an important lesson that I’ve learned both personally and professionally on leadership and mentoring and we’ll cover topics such as…
- Learning lessons from great leaders in history and how to apply them to your leadership style
- How to achieve leadership excellence to grow and expand the success of your company
- Maximizing your strengths and recognizing where you need help
- Difference between managing and leading
- Setting yourself up for success by maintaining a yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily plan
- Hiring and firing
- Plus, much more

During the course of our time together, I will also share my own original material on leadership and mentoring that include teaching from some of the great coaches and leaders of the past, present and future. I am only sharing this special teaching with my Inner Circle.
We will spend one hour per week on zoom as a group where I will share the best of my teaching from all my different products and programs. One call per month will be “members’ choice” where we focus on a leadership or mentoring area that the group would prefer.
Space is limited and capped at 12 members per group. This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to contribute and interact with me and the other members inside the mastermind. All groups will meet on Tuesdays, unless otherwise specified.

The investment…
Most inner circle memberships run close to $750.00 per month for an annual membership. That’s a total of $9,000.00 per year…
Because I want to see you succeed and make this a no-brainer for you to join, the investment for the Inner Circle is just $397 per month, $1508 per quarter, or $4404 per year. If you decide it isn’t for you, you can cancel anytime up to 3 days before your next scheduled payment. There are no refunds once you have paid.
The teaching and learning opportunities I am offering you cost me well over $20,000. This is a chance for you to receive that very same training for over 75% less than I paid for mine.
I hope to see you inside the group. I look forward to working with you and helping you become the best leader possible. I promise you will not be disappointed.