All things are possible…
I am a professionally trained and certified speaker, trainer, and coach who teaches leadership and mentoring at the highest level by studying the great leaders of history, business, and sports — past and present. As the Chair of the Disability Mentoring Day Program of NYC for ten years, I brought high quality leadership and mentoring to a population of people who can benefit from someone who believes in their capabilities. As a person who has cerebral palsy and has had to find my own way to step outside of what people believe is possible for those who are disabled, I know firsthand that all things are possible. I am proof that anyone can rise and become a leader in their own right with a solid system of support through mentoring and leadership training.
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If you’re struggling to grow and get to the next level in your business,
you may be missing this…
You may have gotten this far in your practice because you know your craft inside and out and can give your clients pinpoint, accurate service (which is a good thing), but…
- Are you struggling to grow your business?
- Are you struggling to expand your practice?
- Do you have trouble hiring and keeping highly qualified and trained employees on staff?
- Does growing your business seem like something that just isn’t in the cards for you?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to consider whether you are acting as a leader of your practice and business.
To help you get clear on what you need that will help you become an excellent leader as well as the already excellent professional you already are, I’ve created a list of questions designed to help you get to the root of what you need to focus on so that you are leading your practice and business into its next successful phase (and beyond).
Enter your name and email address to grab a free copy of
“You Are a Professional, But Are You a Leader?”
downloadable PDF.
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Enter your name and email address to grab a free copy of “You Are a Professional, But Are You a Leader?” downloadable PDF.
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