“Discover How To Become The Best Leader Possible With These Practical Strategies And Processes.”

Dear Fellow Leader,
If you’re like most leaders, you’ve more than likely been struggling to lead your team at their highest level so you can lead your business to success.
Maybe you’ve spent too much time and money on trainings that didn’t quite fit the bill.
Perhaps you’ve plateaued and you’re not sure where to expand next…
If you’ve been feeling isolated and overwhelmed with the whole process of trying to piece everything together…
Then this will be what you’ve been waiting for since becoming a leader!
Now listen… I’m not here to waste anyone’s time.
Without going into the whole back story, (but just so you know who you’re dealing with…)
I am a professionally trained and certified speaker, trainer, and coach with certifications from Brian Tracy, John Maxwell, John Wooden as well as being an ICF certified professional coach, who teaches leadership and mentoring at the highest level by studying the great leaders of history, business, and sports — past and present.
As the Chair of the Disability Mentoring Day Program of NYC for ten years, I brought high quality leadership and mentoring to a population of people who can benefit from someone who believes in their capabilities. As a person who has cerebral palsy and has had to find my own way to step outside of what people believe is possible for those who are disabled, I know firsthand that all things are possible.
My willingness to be flexible and to learn from some of the greatest leaders of our time has allowed me to expand my leadership skills so that I can bring them to you – to show you what is possible with the right leadership.
I am proof that anyone can rise and become a leader in their own right with a solid system of support through mentoring and leadership training.

Who This Is For:
Leaders who have TRUE VALUE to deliver…
Leaders who desire to make a bigger impact…
Leaders who have struggled to get their business to the next level…
Leaders who WANT and know what is possible with the right guidance…
If you’ve struggled to be an effective and powerful leader…
And you’re passionate about leading your team to excellence, but have secretly been struggling to do so…
Then get ready for…
The Ultimate Leadership Excellence Journal
Inside these exclusive monthly trainings, I share with you my best strategies and processes to creating the path for leadership excellence so that you can confidently lead your company and team to the next level.
You’ll learn tips that I’ve learned from all the greats, and you’ll discover how to…
- Use scripting to set yourself up for maximum success and achievement
- Create a yearly, monthly, quarterly, weekly and daily strategic plan to reach your goals
- Master time management once and for all
- Remain flexible and adaptable through change
- Maximize team productivity
- Drive breakthrough innovation
- Master strategic management and leadership skills
- Evaluate the dynamics of competition and how to stay ahead of the curve
- Learn how to build in individual and team accountability with effective performance management tools
- Create a desirable work environment that attracts and retains high-performing talent and clients empowers
- Harness the power of leading, self-management models to utilize employee skills for increased productivity
- Plus, much, much more…
Inside this monthly journal you’ll get everything you need to keep on top of your leadership skills so that you can lead your team and business to your ultimate success.
Each month, you’ll receive comprehensive trainings inside the journal with step by step, easy to take action items to help you take effective action.
This is exactly what you need to reach leadership excellence so you can reach your organizational and financial goals.
*The investment is just $59 per month, $147 per quarter or $468 per year…
I look forward to working with you.